Clothring is a mobile platform that promotes ethical and sustainable fashion as well as offers users an option of opening their own shops and buy, sell and swap clothes among themselves.
Fast fashion is the second biggest polluter after the oil industry. Compared to 16 years ago the average person buys 60% more clothing, and keeps it for half as long.
Clothes production process has accelerated over the last couple of decades fuelled by globalisation and market competition.
01 Search 02 Landing page 03 Personal
3/ Filters
01 Permanent filters 02 Temporary filter
4/ User Profile
01 User reviews 02 User profile 03 User's friends
5/ Myshop profile
01 Myshop profile 02 Myshop purchase
6/ Brand profile
01 Brand profile 02 Brand purchase 03 Shopping bag & Checkout
7/ User, Myshop & brand interactions
8/ Adding items to Myshop
01 Item add 02 Editing 03 Item info form